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Matej Kukučka

SANAE expedition: HUSTEF 2017 (part 2)


Day 3 For the second day, we decided to attend the technological sessions. Partly out of curiosity, partly because of the previous day and, especially for me, partly because of the first keynote of the day – Being more agile without doing Agile by Dawn Haynes. To sum it up – it is not very […]

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Matej Kukučka

SANAE expedition: HUSTEF 2017 (part 1)


Journey Providing quality is one of SANAE mission goals and keeping up with the latest ideas, trends, and technologies is one of the ways to achieve them. Thus came the decision to participate in Hungarian Software Testing Forum 2017. Another decision – to write a report from the event came shortly after it with due […]

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Matej Kukučka

SANAE joins Women Tester Academy initiative


IT as a male only industry? Well… Not any more. “Girls, study IT”, says president of Slovak Republic to endorse Aj Ty v IT initiative. SANAE can not stay behind and we offer our expertise to contribute to a new project – Women Tester Academy. As the deadline for application come closer and closer, do […]

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Csaba Köböl

SANAE paints fences of Pezinok castle park


All SANAE employees went to the city of Pezinok on Friday morning, June 9th, ready to take on some early summer painting challenges.  We as SANAE wanted to give our time, talent, and dedicate it to our city by help to clean and paint fences of castle park in Pezinok. This volunteer activity was organized under „Naše mesto“ […]

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Matej Kukučka

SANAE goes viral with its new Facebook site


SANAE launched new Facebook site. You can check what is new within our company also there. >>SANAE on Facebook<<

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Csaba Köböl

How to write the most effective test case for web application ?

Knowledge center, Software Testing

What is a Test Case? Test cases are series of steps to validate whether a web application has no bugs and working mandatory by the end user requirements . Learning curve of how to write test cases in web application development needs basic writing skills and crying out for attention to detail, and  good understanding […]

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Oliver Olšovský

SANAE becomes ISTQB Partner SILVER level

News, Software Testing

SANAE  achieved an ISTQB  Partner Silver Level status with ISTQB®, the International Software Testing Qualifications Board

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Oliver Olšovský

ISTQB – International Software Testing Qualifications Board

News, Software Testing

Q3 /2016 – ISTQB certifications for all SANAE employees     More information: ISTQB

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Csaba Köböl

Waterfall vs. Agile methodology

Knowledge center, Project Management, Software Testing

What does ‘waterfall’ mean in process of software development Then best way to understand what is the ‘Waterfall’ is by definition from Phillips Kruchten: ‘The traditional mindset of developing software is usually what is called the Waterfall model. Using the Waterfall model a project should not move from one phase to the next until the […]

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Matej Kukučka

How to decide if you should go for an outsourced testing team

Business Intelligence, Knowledge center, Project Management, Software Testing

Proprietary or outsourced testing team – that is a question It is not easy to determine, which is better – proprietary or outsourced testing team. That is because the question is not completely valid. It is like choosing what is better – 400hp sports car or 400hp trailer. The answer is – depends on what […]

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Software Testing BEER.EX 2023

Check the unique atmosphere of SANAE Software Testing BEER.EX 2023.


About us

SANAE is a well-established provider of software testing and QA solutions. We believe that true success can be reached by cooperation and networking rather than through competition, therefore apart from the main area of business, we are working hard to build, maintain and enlarge a community of testers in the Bratislava region and beyond. This effort resulted into SANAE Software Testing BEER.EX.